
After many years of car­ing for indi­vid­u­als and lis­ten­ing to their con­cerns, we at Gen­e­sis started notic­ing a pat­tern to the wishes of clients; that while their phys­i­cal abil­i­ties were lim­ited, they were very capa­ble of inde­pen­dently direct­ing their own care. Clients were express­ing the desire to have a home care aide that was already famil­iar with their needs, such as fam­ily mem­bers who would pro­vide assis­tance to them in the hours an agency employee was not work­ing. In order to address the grow­ing need of many clients, we decided to ven­ture into the more inde­pen­dent ser­vices sec­tion of home care and so, Gen­e­sis Phase II: A Con­sumer Directed Ser­vice, was founded. The inno­v­a­tive con­cept of Gen­e­sis Phase II empow­ers the con­sumer and allows them the free­dom that breeds con­fi­dence and secu­rity in an indi­vid­ual that already has many chal­lenges to face with their disability.

We’ll be back in 13 h. 15 m.
212 W. Grand Avenue Camp­bell, MO 63933
+1 (573) 2463044
+1 (573) 2463580